Our Values

We are a remote, async-first, distributed, open source company. Our mission, vision, and values is what holds us together.

Values and operating principles is how we behave and organize ourselves, what we expect from you and what you can expect from us. It is not a wishlist, or what we strive to achive in the future. It is the essence of our character, both on a good day and on a bad one. It describes the behaviour of the people we hire.

When in doubt, always make a decision that aligns with our values and operating priciples.

Core values#

At the core of Operately is the maker mindset, from which we derive 3 timeless values:

  1. Create Value
  2. Collaborate
  3. Continuously Improve

Create value#

Our mission is tough, we want to empower every startup to execute at the highest level. We need to demonstrate undeniable value, and we need people who are able to create it. People who take ownership, have bias for action, benchmark themselves against the best, and have the capacity to deliver high-quality work. We value drivers, not passengers.


To achieve results, we must work together effectively. We need to be open, share, help each other succeed, and respect each other’s time. We need to be kind, open minded, and assume the best intention. We need to provide feedback, take each other seriously, and examine our convictions with humility. We are ego-less when searching for the best ideas.

Do this
  • Be kind
  • Be open & open minded
  • Share
  • Help others succeed
  • Respect each others' time
  • Take responsibility
  • Say thank you
  • Say sorry
  • Assume the best intention
  • Provide feedback
  • Take each other seriously
Don't do this
  • Let each other fail
  • Gossip
  • Work in a vacuum
  • Work in silos
  • Pull rank
  • Blame other
  • Be rude
  • Be passive-aggressive
  • Be a know-it-all
  • Harrass or discriminate

Continuously Improve#

Out core belief is that we can always grow, learn, and improve. We are not born with a fixed set of talents. As a company and as individuals, we are driven to seek out new opportunities, remain humble, and never settle for mediocrity. There is no room for complaints, and work should never be boring.

We hire people based on their trajectory, not their credentials. We continiously rise demands on ourselves, and we expect the same from you.

Operating Principles#

If the core values are internal essence, the operating principles are the pillars that hold it up. They are the guiding principles that help us make decisions and take actions.

  1. Iteration
  2. Simplicity
  3. Autonomy
  4. Trust
  5. Efficiency


We have a humble conviction that we can accomplish anything through iteration. We do the smallest thing possible, ship it as quickly as possible, get feedback, learn from it, improve or adjust course, rinse, repeat.

Speed matters in business. Learning is best done through doing. Most decisions are reversible. We avoid analysis-paralysis and don’t get stuck in the details. When faced with a big task or a problem, we solve it by “getting real”: we smartly separate what must be done well now and what can be improved later.

Iteration doesn’t mean that we don’t have a clear vision of the desired outcome. When iterating, keep your eyes on the global maximum. Don’t get stuck in the local maxima.


The speed of inivation is constrained by the total complexity, so every reduction in complexity helps. We belive that simple technology, design, and service win.

Don’t confuse simple and easy. Simplicity requires active effort and a neverending fight against entropy. Continiously opting for easy solutions, will not lead to a simple life, product, or company.


Autonomy is the freedom to act independently. It is a requirement to feel motivated at work, along with mastery of the craft and purpose of the job. Autonomy is what allows us:

  • To not micromanage every decision
  • To move fast and experiment more
  • To have a flexible work schedule
  • To have a good work-life balance
  • To work with the best people around the world
  • To not be idle and wait the next check-in to take action

We have a strong bias for hiring self-managed people, who do it themselves, who don’t wait, and who don’t need constant hand-holding.

Don’t conflate being autonomous with being afraid of asking questions, collaborating with others, or seeking help when needed. Autonomy means having the freedom to make decisions, but it also involves knowing when to seek input and work together with others to achieve the best outcomes.


Trust is the foundation of any relationship, and it is the glue that holds us together. Our default is to trust each other, and we assume that everyone is doing their best. We trust that people are competent, that they are honest, and that they have the best intentions. We trust that people will deliver on their promises, and we trust that they will ask for help when needed.

Trust is not blind faith. Trust is earned, and it is a two-way street.

Trust is also fragile. It is easily broken, and it is hard to repair. We don’t take trust for granted, and we work hard to maintain it. We are transparent, honest, and open in our communication. We admit when we make mistakes, and we take responsibility for our actions. We don’t hide information, and we don’t withhold feedback. We treat each other with respect, and we value each other’s opinions.


Efficiency is near and dear to an all remote, async-first, company. Part of what attracts team members to an all remote role is the desire to create a more efficient day, starting with the elimination of a commute, elimination of office distractions, unnecessary meetings, and the ability to work when you are most productive.

Because time is our most valuable resource, we must be efficient in how we use it. Optimize for speed, and don’t waste time on things that don’t matter. Be mindful of how you spend your time, and be respectful of other people’s time. Don’t waste time on unnecessary meetings, long email threads, or endless discussions. Make most decisions quickly with the knowledge that you can reverse them, learn from them, and improve them later.

Efficiency is not about working faster or working harder. It is about working smarter, eliminating waste, and focusing on what matters most.